Today's Message
Colossians 3:16
Pastor Aaron Leggett
Next Week's Passage: Galatians 3:26-4:7
Colossians 3:16
Pastor Aaron Leggett
Next Week's Passage: Galatians 3:26-4:7
Upcoming Connection Opportunities
FREE CHURCH COMMUNITIES, Sundays, 9:30 AM for adults and kids of all ages. Visit the website or Welcome Center for more information.
LENT DEVOTIONALS & RESOURCES AVAILABLE AT THE WELCOME CENTER. At its heart, Lent is all about Jesus—His suffering and sacrifice, all powered by His love for His people. Taking the time to meditate on the cross gives opportunity to re-center our hearts, reframe our lives, and rekindle our love for Christ as we lead into Easter. $10 donation is suggested, but not required.
LENT PRAYER STATIONS open every Wednesday in Lent, March 2-April 16, with open space to come and pray anywhere between 5:40 - 7:15 PM. Stations will be in the Annex (adjacent building on the northwest side of the parking lot). Nursery offered for children ages infant-3 yrs. old.
CHURCHWIDE CLEAN UP DAY, Saturday, March 29, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Pizza lunch will be provided!
CHILD DEDICATION, Sunday, May 11 during gathered worship services. Required Dedication Class required with two options on Sunday, April 6 and Sunday, May 4. To learn more or to register, please mark it on your response card or register online at www.efreechurch.org/children.
AWANA, Wednesdays, 5:40-7:25 PM. PreK- 5th Grade Kids, a night of fun and fellowship as we hide God’s Word in our hearts! Info and registration online: www.efreechurch.org/children.
SUMMIT YOUTH GROUP, Wednesdays for 6th-12th Grade students: Middle School- 6:00-7:25 PM; High School - 7:00-8:30 PM. Learn more at the Welcome Center or online at www.efreechurch.org/youth.
LENT DEVOTIONALS & RESOURCES AVAILABLE AT THE WELCOME CENTER. At its heart, Lent is all about Jesus—His suffering and sacrifice, all powered by His love for His people. Taking the time to meditate on the cross gives opportunity to re-center our hearts, reframe our lives, and rekindle our love for Christ as we lead into Easter. $10 donation is suggested, but not required.
LENT PRAYER STATIONS open every Wednesday in Lent, March 2-April 16, with open space to come and pray anywhere between 5:40 - 7:15 PM. Stations will be in the Annex (adjacent building on the northwest side of the parking lot). Nursery offered for children ages infant-3 yrs. old.
CHURCHWIDE CLEAN UP DAY, Saturday, March 29, 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Pizza lunch will be provided!
CHILD DEDICATION, Sunday, May 11 during gathered worship services. Required Dedication Class required with two options on Sunday, April 6 and Sunday, May 4. To learn more or to register, please mark it on your response card or register online at www.efreechurch.org/children.
AWANA, Wednesdays, 5:40-7:25 PM. PreK- 5th Grade Kids, a night of fun and fellowship as we hide God’s Word in our hearts! Info and registration online: www.efreechurch.org/children.
SUMMIT YOUTH GROUP, Wednesdays for 6th-12th Grade students: Middle School- 6:00-7:25 PM; High School - 7:00-8:30 PM. Learn more at the Welcome Center or online at www.efreechurch.org/youth.
Let's Pray Together
If you would like to share a prayer request with the prayer team, please fill out a prayer card (available by the entrance doors or the church app).
OUR CHURCH FAMILY: For us to glorify God, living with humility and integrity among our families, friends, and neighbors
MISSIONS: EFCA, National & District
OUR COMMUNITY: Law Enforcement
OUR CHURCH FAMILY: For us to glorify God, living with humility and integrity among our families, friends, and neighbors
- Cañon Community Baptist Church, Cañon City, CO
- Aspen Ridge EFC, Colorado Springs, CO
MISSIONS: EFCA, National & District
OUR COMMUNITY: Law Enforcement
Thank you for your faithful giving to the Lord!
Giving options here at the Free Church include online giving via the website or church app, offering boxes on the bulletin tables, or giving through your bank with Bill-Pay.
Click to view the most recent Financial Dashboard.
Year End Giving Statements
Giving statements have been emailed! If you didn’t receive one, please contact the church office to make sure we have your correct email or to schedule a time to come and pick up a paper copy.
Giving options here at the Free Church include online giving via the website or church app, offering boxes on the bulletin tables, or giving through your bank with Bill-Pay.
Click to view the most recent Financial Dashboard.
Year End Giving Statements
Giving statements have been emailed! If you didn’t receive one, please contact the church office to make sure we have your correct email or to schedule a time to come and pick up a paper copy.
Staff Contact
Stephen Moore, Senior Pastor |
Anette Versaw, Church Administrator, aversaw@efreechurch.org
Loren Kolman, Pastor of Adult Ministries, Lkolman@efreechurch.org
Aaron Leggett, Pastor of Gathered Worship, aaronL@efreechurch.org
Daniel Van Camp, Pastor of Student Ministries, danielv@efreechurch.org
Sarah Koch, Director of Children’s Ministries, sarahk@efreechurch.org
Church Elders, leadership@efreechurch.org
Anna Belle Zerby, Secretary, secretary@efreechurch.org
Anette Versaw, Church Administrator, aversaw@efreechurch.org
Loren Kolman, Pastor of Adult Ministries, Lkolman@efreechurch.org
Aaron Leggett, Pastor of Gathered Worship, aaronL@efreechurch.org
Daniel Van Camp, Pastor of Student Ministries, danielv@efreechurch.org
Sarah Koch, Director of Children’s Ministries, sarahk@efreechurch.org
Church Elders, leadership@efreechurch.org