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Partnership in Prayer

Crafted by our Missions' Board, the 2025 Prayer Guide shares specific prayer requests for each of the
missionaries and organizations our church family helps to support. 


Stephen & Amelia Lin

Send International, Taiwan
Give/Support: send.org/klemm
Learn more about ministry in Taiwan...
Stephen and Amelia serve the Hakka people in Taiwan. Of the 4.6 million Hakka people, only 0.5% of them are Christians. The Hakka people originated from Mainland China, but have scattered all around the world, mainly due to persecution. Predominant religion of the Hakka is Chinese Folk Religion and Hakka people are known for being practical, family oriented, hardworking, and traditional.

Stephen and Amelia are serving at Stephen's sending church as youth leaders, are preaching and running a kids program at a small church plant, serving on the SEND GCM (Global Chinese Ministries) leadership council, and serving new missionaries who come to Taiwan (lang. prep, supervision, orientation, etc.).

Over the last few years, Stephen and Amelia have felt the Lord changing their direction toward Central Asia. They were accepted by the team there and plan to transition there in the near future, ending their ministry in Taiwan at the end of August 2025.
Partner with the Lins in prayer...
  • Pray for the Lord's guidance in the major transition between Taiwan and Central Asia. Figuring out the visa situation between the two countries will be extremely complicated. Please pray for God's provision and a smooth process.
  • Pray that God would grant us wisdom and strong connections with the youth group students. Pray that He would use us to help draw their hearts closer to Jesus.
  • Pray for our hearts as we desire to have children, but have experienced multiple miscarriages this year. Please pray that we would trust the Lord - relying on His goodness, faithfulness, and presence as we walk through this season. Pray that we would rest in His plan for our lives and grow in our reliance on Him.

Benjamin and Heidi Turkalj

Pioneers, Croatia
Give/Support: contact the church office
Learn more about ministry in Croatia...
Serving with Pioneers, a mission which focuses on unreached peoples, in Croatia, where the majority of people are culturally or traditionally Roman Catholic.

Most people in Croatia do not even know anyone who is a true follower of Jesus Christ and only about 0.1% are evangelical Christians (1 in 1,000).

Our local ministry is focused on work in and through the Baptist Church in Belica, preaching/pastoring, leading worship, women's ministry, English and other ministries for evangelism and discipleship. Benjamin and Heidi's ministry as Area Leaders covers a range of responsibilities in overseeing and administration of the Pioneers teams and members in Croatia and Serbia.

Locally and in the broader area, our focus is pointing people to and helping them know and follow Jesus Christ.
Partner with the Turkaljs in prayer...
  • Please pray for the Belica church to grow, both in numbers and in their walk with Christ and effectiveness in serving Him.
  • Pray also for evangelistic ministries like English, Women's Bible studies, and witnessing to and discipling individuals, for many opportunities to point people to Jesus and help them know Him more.
  • Please pray as we learn and adjust in our new role as Area Leaders, that we might be an encouragement to our teams and have God's grace and wisdom in abundance.
  • Pray for one of our locations that is in a new phase of working toward a church plant among Roma people in Croatia. 
  • Please pray for us as a family and the ongoing stresses, that we will continually be renewed and filled so that we can give out of the abundance of grace that God provides.
  • Pray for God's protection over our children in school settings where nobody else shares their values of following Jesus and living for Him. 
  • Please pray also for the financial support that we need for the year ahead.

Becci Rohrer

ReachGlobal, Cameroon
Give/Support: give.efca.org/missionaries/rebecca-becci-rohrer
Learn more about ministry in Cameroon...
Becci serves on the Yaoundé City Team in Cameroon, Africa. The team seeks to multiply disciple makers through developing, empowering and releasing them into ministry, specifically in the contexts of the least reached and most vulnerable.

Becci’s ministry team is highly relational, building friendships through Discovery Bible Studies and literacy classes. Becci works specifically with women, seeking to encourage, develop, and invest in them, as well as those they seek to reach. Additionally, Becci volunteers with students in the community through teaching and coaching.
Partner with Becci in prayer...
  • Pray for wisdom and clarity on future plans with my fiancé Daniel
  • Pray for rhythms and settling back in as I return to life in Cameroon
  • Pray for coaching basketball this quarter
  • Pray for wisdom and courage as I refocus on ministry to the unreached as well as explore ministry in Jiu-Jitsu and counseling. 

Kendra Brady

ReachGlobal, Apex
Give/Support: give.efca.org/missionaries/kendra-brady
Learn more about ministry with Apex...
Apex serves the local church by mobilizing the next generation of gospel influencers who will take the gospel from here to everywhere.

Apex college-age experiences offer 17-24-year-olds an opportunity to live on mission and in community for a summer while serving alongside EFCA leaders, missionaries and pastors all over the world.

The 3- and 6-week trips focus on language, ministry, and culture learning areas alongside long-term workers, while the Mission Leadership Team gives college-age students an opportunity to lead youth groups through their Apex experience with local ministries and churches in the United States.
Partner with Kendra in prayer...
  • Pray Luke 10:2: He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
  • Pray that Apex will come alongside young adults in their walk with God and that we will help create a pipeline into long-term missions.
  • Pray that my health will improve.
  • Pray the Lord will provide more financial partners.


Annie Schomaker

Eden's Glory
Give/Support: edensglory.org/invest-today
Learn more about Eden's Glory...
Eden's Glory is combatting human trafficking and restoring survivors. It's a home where hearts are transformed...
  • Our two-year residential program is designed for adult female survivors ages 18-30 to treat each aspect of their health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational—to fully support her on her journey to holistic recovery.
  • Provide trauma-focused counseling to child survivors ages 5-17 and support to their caregivers.
  • Train and equip local communities to recognize and prevent trafficking in their communities.
Partner with Annie in prayer...
  • As we look toward expansion in each program, we are seeking the Lord's favor in bringing the right staff, Board members, and strategies so we can expand effectively and sustainably.
  • Personally I will always take prayers as Robbie and I walk through marriage with busy schedules and parenting our girls who are the same age as my Foster Kairos kiddos - wanting to parent well, love deeply and walk in obedience and faith rather than fear in a confusing world.  

Peter Kim

Connections Prison Ministry
Give/Support: connectionsprisonministry.org
Learn more about Connections Prison Ministry...
…From prison to praise… Psalm 142:7...

The mission of Connections Prison Ministry is to introduce RESCUE through the grace and agape love of Jesus; to inspire a heart and life of REDEMPTION through the study and prayer of God’s word; and to invest in RESTORATION through fellowship and accountability.

Connections was developed with the ultimate purpose of sharing Jesus through relationships with individuals, and in many cases, their families.

Provides tangible support as parolees begin the next chapters of life, giving Connections the opportunity to be a vital voice as Jesus is shared and the Gospel is preached.
Partner with Peter in prayer...
  • Pray for Connections Kindness Cafe & Closet to be used as a lighthouse for those struggling with justice involvement.
  • Pray for the growing relationships being forged in this community.
  • Pray for opportunities to grow and expand with additional programming.
  • Pray for continued financial resources and additional Church partners.


Annie Schomaker

Eden's Glory
Give/Support: edensglory.org/invest-today
Learn more about Eden's Glory...
Eden's Glory is combatting human trafficking and restoring survivors. It's a home where hearts are transformed...
  • Our two-year residential program is designed for adult female survivors ages 18-30 to treat each aspect of their health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational—to fully support her on her journey to holistic recovery.
  • Provide trauma-focused counseling to child survivors ages 5-17 and support to their caregivers.
  • Train and equip local communities to recognize and prevent trafficking in their communities.
Partner with Annie in prayer...
  • As we look toward expansion in each program, we are seeking the Lord's favor in bringing the right staff, Board members, and strategies so we can expand effectively and sustainably.
  • Personally I will always take prayers as Robbie and I walk through marriage with busy schedules and parenting our girls who are the same age as my Foster Kairos kiddos - wanting to parent well, love deeply and walk in obedience and faith rather than fear in a confusing world.  

Peter Kim

Connections Prison Ministry
Give/Support: connectionsprisonministry.org
Learn more about Connections Prison Ministry...
…From prison to praise… Psalm 142:7...

The mission of Connections Prison Ministry is to introduce RESCUE through the grace and agape love of Jesus; to inspire a heart and life of REDEMPTION through the study and prayer of God’s word; and to invest in RESTORATION through fellowship and accountability.

Connections was developed with the ultimate purpose of sharing Jesus through relationships with individuals, and in many cases, their families.

Provides tangible support as parolees begin the next chapters of life, giving Connections the opportunity to be a vital voice as Jesus is shared and the Gospel is preached.
Partner with Peter in prayer...
  • Pray for Connections Kindness Cafe & Closet to be used as a lighthouse for those struggling with justice involvement.
  • Pray for the growing relationships being forged in this community.
  • Pray for opportunities to grow and expand with additional programming.
  • Pray for continued financial resources and additional Church partners.

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Give/Support: www.tiu.edu/giving/teds/#give
Learn more about TEDS...
TEDS is a broadly evangelical school that prides itself on theological diversity and encourages respectful engagement in difficult conversations and topics while remaining committed to the inerrancy of Scripture. Since our founding, we have taught creative and critical thinking while upholding gospel fidelity in an effort to fulfill the age-old adage, “in the essentials unity, in the non-essentials liberty, and in all things charity.”

We are a diverse community of cultures, church traditions, ideas, experiences, and stories. Our students come from all walks of life, different parts of the country, and around the world with a variety of experiences, hopes, and dreams. Yet we share the same DNA. We are all entrusted with the gospel—which requires us to know it, live it, and make it known. We seek to join faith and learning in a distinctive way at each of our TIU schools, inspiring possibilities as you explore how your Christian faith impacts every area of life.

Our collective desire to worship in faithfulness, mentor in hope, and build bridges in love unifies us all as we pursue academic excellence.
Partner with TEDS in prayer...
  • Support for students as they learn and prepare to lead others 
  • Faculty as they influence the next generation of leaders
  • Unity in our diverse community of cultures, church traditions, ideas, experiences, and stories
  • Guidance in joining faith and learning in a distinctive way for the betterment of students and the kingdom
  • Lord’s help in our collective desire to worship in faithfulness, mentor in hope, and build bridges in love that unifies us all as we pursue academic excellence

Evangelical Free Church of America

EFCA National & Rocky Mountain District
Give/Support: give.efca.org
Learn more about the EFCA...
We exist to glorify God by multiplying transfor­mational churches among all people.

We aim to deepen theological knowledge with thought-provoking insight; remember God's faithfulness to His people; reverse division and expand the kingdom among all people; learn from leaders multiplying transformational churches; cultivate disciples at home and around the world; find inspiration and wisdom from pastors and leaders; explore the diverse, powerful work of EFCA churches; and engaging culture at the intersection of church and culture.
Partner with the EFCA in prayer...
Pray for guidance and help in making disciples, leading churches, extending ministries, planting churches, reaching all people, and engaging the intersection of church and culture.


Journey Quest

Mark & Sarah Anderson
Give/Support: journeyquest.org/donate
Learn more about Journey Quest...
Journey Quest shares the hope of the Gospel with teens and families through adventures in the wilderness, utilizing rafting, rock climbing, backpacking, peak hikes, and challenge courses.

Our goal is to glorify God while sharing the hope of His Gospel with all who come on our trips, keeping Jesus Christ at the focal point of our ministry.

Each and every trip, whether it is a week-long combo trip, a full-day Royal Gorge adventure, or a 1/2 day family float trip has a much deeper purpose than just the adventure itself. Our guides seek to build a deep trust with their guests, directing the conversation to a meaningful spiritual conversation that will ultimately glorify Jesus Christ and proclaim the good news of the Gospel. We use intentional questions, thoughtful listening, relevant analogies, sharing from God’s Word, and allowing the Spirit of God to lead.
Partner with Journey Quest in prayer...
  • As we hire staff for the upcoming season, pray for the young men and women who will be joining our team and that the young people and families who come on our trips will have their hearts softened to the message of the Gospel.
  • Pray that we would be courageous and clear as we articulate the hope we have in Christ.
  • Pray for financial provision- funds have currently been very tight.
  • Pray for protection for our board members - all of them are walking through some very dark valleys right now.

Loaves & Fishes Ministries

& New Creations Inn
Give/Support: lfministries.org
Learn more about Loaves & Fishes...
Loaves & Fishes and New Creations Inn serve Fremont County...
  • The mission of Loaves and Fishes Ministries is to share the love of God by helping families and individuals with their basic needs. We provide emergency shelter, food, housing, financial support, and street outreach.
  • .The mission of New Creations Inn is to provide Christ-centered transitional housing that is safe, sober, and structured for single adults who are seeking a fresh start.
Partner with Loaves & Fishes in prayer...
Loaves & Fishes
  • Pray for discernment as we interview applicants for job openings.
  • Pray for creative employment opportunities for individuals who want to work, but  are only able to work 10-15 hours per week.
  • Pray against drug use and the destruction it has on our community and in individual lives.
New Creations Inn
  • Pray for quality applicants and for discernment as we look to hire a new program director.
  • Pray for the Lord's protection over maintenance issues - that any concerns that arise would be minor and resolved quickly.
  • Pray that residents will draw closer to Jesus and live lives that are honoring to Him.

Abundant Life

Pregnancy & Family Resource Center
Give/Support: abundantliferesources.org/donate
Learn more about Abundant Life...
Abundant Life Pregnancy & Family Resource Center has served Fremont County individuals since 1984.

They offer support for emotional, physical, material, and spiritual needs.

Their services include Women’s clinics, life services, pregnancy tests, monthly allotments, and material assistance.

They also opened up a medical clinic in December of 2024 which allows them to offer pre-natal ultrasounds. Providing ultrasounds will increase the number of clients served!
Partner with Abundant Life in prayer...
  • Pray for clients to choose life, embrace growth, and protection for staff and volunteers.
  • Pray for financial support as the opening of the medical clinic will increase the budgetary needs by a minimum of $20,000 per year, and we will be facing the need to replace aging heating and cooling equipment for the facility.
  • Pray for the Lord to supply volunteers!

Hope House

Empowering Teen Moms
Give/Support: https://hopehousecanoncity.org/donate-now/
Learn more about Hope House...
Hope House Cañon City empowers parenting teenage moms to strive for personal and economic self-sufficiency and to understand their significance in God’s sight, resulting in a healthy future for them, and for their children. 
  • Free self-sufficiency programs in two key areas: personal and economic
  • This includes supportive services like healthy relationship and personal growth classes, parenting classes, financial literacy, and help accessing local resources.
  • It also includes educational assistance through High School Degree programs and College & Career Programs. The Housing Support Program provides Southern Colorado’s only Residential Program for teen moms. All programs are designed to transform the lives of two generations at Hope House.
Partner with Hope House in prayer...
  • Pray for success in reaching out and getting to know teen moms
  • Pray for additional board members to support Hope House
  • Pray for continued volunteer and financial support
  • Pray for direction in terms of more permanent housing