
To learn more about the various missionaries and ministries our church family supports, keep scrolling or click the buttons below.

Partnership in Prayer

Crafted by our Missions' Board, the 2024 Prayer Guide shares specific prayer requests for each of the
missionaries and organizations our church family helps to support. 


Amelia Klemm

Send International, Taiwan
Give/Support: send.org/klemm
Amelia is serving the Hakka people in Taiwan...
  • 4.6 million with only 0.5% of them are Christians.
  • Originated from Mainland China but have scattered all around the world, mainly due to persecution.
  • The word "Hakka" means guest people, because they never had their own land. Estimated around 45-80 million Hakka around the world.
  • Hakka is also the name of their language, though there are over a dozen different dialects of the Hakka language which are unintelligible to each other.
  • Predominant religion of the Hakka is Chinese Folk Religion.
  • Hakka people are known for being practical, family oriented, hardworking, and traditional.
How The Free Church Family can support her in prayer:
  • That the Holy Spirit would move in the hearts of Hakka to understand God's love and offer of salvation.
  • That the Hakka believers would be equipped to share the Gospel with their family members.
  • That more churches and ministry workers in Taiwan would develop a desire to reach out to their Hakka neighbors.

Benjamin and Heidi Turkalj

Pioneers, Croatia
Give/Support: contact the church office
The Turkalj family is serving in Croatia...
  • Serving with Pioneers, a mission which focuses on unreached peoples, in Croatia, where the majority of people are culturally or traditionally Roman Catholic.
  • Most people in Croatia do not even know anyone who is a true follower of Jesus Christ and only about 0.1% are evangelical Christians (1 in 1,000).
How The Free Church Family can support them in prayer:
  • For the Holy Spirit to powerfully break through into the hearts of individuals & for them to seek to know and follow Jesus Christ in our very hard cultural and traditional setting.
  • That our family and our church will shine brightly to those we meet and that we will be engaging and inviting to our community.
  • For us to share Christ intentionally through special opportunities such as the English ministry, an upcoming wedding in our new sanctuary, a potential baptism service this fall, our annual evangelistic Christmas event for women, as well as the many everyday encounters we have with people.

K & M

ReachGlobal, Central Asia
Give/Support: reachglobal.ministries.efca.org
K & M are serving the people of Central Asia...
  • They are serving believers in closed and persecuted countries.
  • For their safety and the safety of those they work with, we cannot give their names, show their picture, or share their specific location and mission field.
How The Free Church Family can support them in prayer:
  • That their developed curriculum equips people to share their faith in a hostile environment, would encourage and embolden the believers, be used in a growing numbers of house churches and groups, and strengthen the Church.
  • For protection, fruitfulness, and health for K & M.
  • For those that are displaced and serving in their home city.
  • For translations and updates of the evangelism curriculum.

Kendra Brady

Apex & ReachGlobal, Africa
Give/Support: efca.org/give-now (Account #2015-Brady)
Kendra is a voice of Africa for the ministry APEX...
  • ReachGlobal, a ministry of EFCA, is all over the world in more than 40 countries, but Kendra's heart is for the African people!
  • APEX is a college-aged youth ministry of the EFCA, which provides the opportunity to spend time alongside ReachGlobal staff.
How The Free Church Family can support her in prayer:
  • For this current season. Kendra is attending Renew, a program through ReachGlobal, that will provide a time of deep rest: mental, physical, spiritual, and relational rest!
  • That the Lord would use Kendra in unimaginable ways, to impact the lives of those she comes alongside, who are exploring their call to missions.
  • for the Lord to provide workers.
  • Provision of financial support.


Annie Schomaker

Eden's Glory
Give/Support: edensglory.org/invest-today
A Home Where Hearts are Transformed
  • Our two-year residential program is designed for adult female survivors ages 18-30 to treat each aspect of their health—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational—to fully support her on her journey to holistic recovery.
  • Provide trauma-focused counseling to child survivors ages 5-17 and support to their caregivers.
  • Train and equip local communities to recognize and prevent trafficking in their communities.
How The Free Church Family can support Eden's Glory in prayer:
  • By the Lord's will, Eden's Glory is currently in a remarkable stage of growth and change. 
  • We ask for prayerful support in asking Christ to guide and protect us along this journey. 
  • We ask for prayers of hope and grace for human trafficking survivors alongside those still in slavery, may the Lord breakthrough their chains.

Peter Kim

Connections Prison Ministry
Give/Support: connectionsprisonministry.org
…From prison to praise… Psalm 142:7...
  • The mission of Connections Prison Ministry is to introduce RESCUE through the grace and agape love of Jesus; to inspire a heart and life of REDEMPTION through the study and prayer of God’s word; and to invest in RESTORATION through fellowship and accountability.
  • Connections was developed with the ultimate purpose of sharing Jesus through relationships with individuals, and in many cases, their families.
  • Provides tangible support as parolees begin the next chapters of life, giving Connections the opportunity to be a vital voice as Jesus is shared and the Gospel is preached.
How The Free Church Family can support them in prayer:
  • For their partnership with "ParadigmOne" and“In His Name Prison Ministry” to thrive and grow.
  • For Wednesday night bible studies at Fremont CF and for the luncheons held with parolees, chaplains, staff, and volunteers.
  • For the Lord to continue to use Connections to reveal Himself in the prisons and on the streets, in halfway houses and sober-living homes, in relationships and families being woven back together.

Trinity International University & Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Worship. Mentor. Build
Give/Support: tiu.edu
Celebrating 125 years of equipping and serving students...
  • Educating men and women to engage in God’s redemptive work in the world.
  • We want to enable our students—at all entities and in every discipline—to be prepared to lead others, as they are entrusted with the Gospel to think and live as Christ-followers in the twenty-first century.
How The Free Church Family can support them in prayer:
  • For the students as they engage in their studies all while drawing closer to God.
  • For the staff as they teach.
  • For all as they worship in faithfulness, mentor in hope, and build bridges in love. These three cords enliven our mission, as we engage the culture for Jesus Christ.


Journey Quest

Mark & Sarah Anderson
Give/Support: journeyquest.org/donate
Journey Quest is an Arkansas River Valley based ministry...
  • Provides Christ-centered wilderness journeys, challenging young and old alike to pursue the ultimate quest: a lifelong relationship with Christ.
  • Offers customized, Christ-centered wilderness and whitewater rafting adventures for youth, families, and groups.
  • Our goal is to glorify God while sharing the hope of his Gospel with all who come on our trips.
How The Free Church Family can support her in prayer:
  • Please be lifting up our staff. They're under heavy attack from the world and need encouragement to stand firm.
  • Wisdom for the full-time staff in how to handle these events.
  • That God would be moving in the heart of those who came through our doors this year. It was a very busy year but trying year at the same time.
Thank you church family for your prayers!

Loaves & Fishes Ministries

& New Creations Inn
Give/Support: lfministries.org
Loaves & Fishes & New Creations Inn serve Fremont County...
  • The mission of Loaves and Fishes Ministries is to share the love of God by helping families and individuals with their basic needs. We provide emergency shelter, food, housing, financial support, and street outreach.
  • .The mission of New Creations Inn is to provide Christ-centered transitional housing that is safe, sober, and structured for single adults who are seeking a fresh start.
How The Free Church Family can support them in prayer:
  • For God's direction and discernment as we continue to serve our vulnerable neighbors.
  • For the continuous refilling of the Spirit to enable the staff to love people well and to reflect Christ's Glory.
  • For hearts that haven't met Jesus to be softened. 
  • For residents to embrace this unique opportunity where they can focus on their emotional, physical and spiritual needs.
  • For refreshment and rest opportunities for the staff.
  • For clarity on how to address the ongoing maintenance challenges at NCI.

Abundant Life

Pregnancy & Family Resource Center
Give/Support: abundantliferesources.org/donate
Serving Individuals & Families since 1984...
  • Exists to provide pregnancy & family services for Fremont County and the surrounding areas.
  • We are here to support each individual with their emotional, physical, material, and spiritual needs.
  • Women’s clinics, mobile clinics with ultrasound unit, life services, pregnancy tests, monthly allotments, and material assistance.
How The Free Church Family can support in prayer:
  • The Center is working towards their medical transition, which on the challenging side means audits, financial reviews, and increased budget. But, on the amazing side, means abortion pill reversal, ultrasounds, and testing/treating STIs. It’s an incredibly exciting culmination of 38 years of praying, seeking God & serving our community.

Royal Gorge Young Life

Wyldlife & Young Lives
Give/Support: royalgorge.younglife.org
Serving kids in Fremont County...
  • Kids in our community and around the world are searching for hope, meaning, and belonging. We get in with them and accept them the way they are.
  • We work with our local youth in YoungLife (grades 9-12), Wyldlife (grades 6-8), and YoungLives (Teen Moms and their Babies).
How The Free Church Family can support them in prayer:
  • That adult volunteers would be provided and come alongside of these students.
  • That the students who attend would come to know Jesus.
  • Teen moms and their babies would receive the love and support needed.

Hope House

Empowering Teen Moms
Give/Support: https://hopehousecanoncity.org/donate-now/
Hope House Cañon City empowers parenting teenage moms to strive for personal and economic self-sufficiency and to understand their significance in God’s sight, resulting in a healthy future for them, and for their children. 
  • Free self-sufficiency programs in two key areas: personal and economic
  • This includes supportive services like healthy relationship and personal growth classes, parenting classes, financial literacy, and help accessing local resources.
  • It also includes educational assistance through High School Degree programs and College & Career Programs. The Housing Support Program provides Southern Colorado’s only Residential Program for teen moms. All programs are designed to transform the lives of two generations at Hope House.