Is it Important to be Close to God?

When I was a boy growing up in Kenosha, Wisconsin, I became friends with another boy down the street whose name was Lloyd.  Lloyd Isenberg.  A distinctive name I’ve never forgotten.  Memories include riding our bikes together up and down the streets that surrounded Cordelia Harvey Elementary School.  Or making worn pathways through the wooded area near the railroad tracks.  Or playing baseball from sun up to sun down on most summer days.
Because I became a Christian at age 9, I also remember trying to share with my friends their need of Jesus.  I recall attempting to share with Lloyd, even as he laughed off my insistence he needed God and needed  to believe. “You won’t go to heaven and be with God,” I warned.  Lloyd scoffed, “That’s OK…I’ll go to hell.  At least I’ll be with all my friends there.”

I didn’t know what to say.  What I felt was irritation that my friend could say something so stupid.  Even to this day, I wonder about Lloyd.  Is there any chance that he woke up to the need he had for Jesus’ forgiveness?
Do you have any acquaintances like Lloyd?
“You won’t be in heaven with God!” I warned.
“That’s OK,” he laughed. “I’ll be in hell with all my friends.”
Our Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) statement of faith says it well.  Article 10 – Response and Eternal Destiny: We believe that God commands everyone everywhere to believe the gospel by turning to Him in repentance and receiving the Lord Jesus Christ.
The Apostle James puts it more simply:  “Therefore submit to God…Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you” (James 4:7-8).  “Draw near” means “approach, come closer.”  Two verses earlier, James reminds us that it takes humility to do so, for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
The invitation from our Maker and Life-Sustainer to come closer.  The only distance that exists between us and God is a gap that we maintain.  Anyone with a bowed heart can come closer to God.  Each step toward Him is matched by His step toward us.
In that same Kenosha north-side neighborhood was another friend, Emil.  Emil Mudrak.  Another memorable name.  Rode bikes with him, too.  Played fast-pitched baseball together against the brick wall of Harvey Elementary.  Spent a bunch of time arguing which nearby MLB club was better -- Chicago Cubs vs. Milwaukee Braves.  Ron Santo vs. Eddie Mathews.
One day, Emil and I went to a new movie in town, put out by the Billy Graham Association, The Cross and the Switchblade.  During the course of that show, my friend Emil heard the gospel, and took his first step toward God.  His first step of many.

Though our paths after high school went in very different directions, to this day Emil and I talk over the phone.  Without fail, he mentions how thankful he continues to be that we were friends, and that he met Jesus through that friendship.  Drawing close to God means everything to Emil – now, and in the eternal future.
Lloyd and Emil.  What a difference.
I trust that through our Spring/Summer worship gatherings on Sunday mornings, you are responding to the Apostle John’s call to get close to God.
My encouragement to you?  Talk to your friends about whether or not they might consider taking a humble, faith-step toward God.
This I know…God wants to take a step toward them.



