LEADERSHIP: Time to Think About It at The Free Church

Encouragement for Your Heart and Mind from Pastor David Staff

Leadership.  What is it?  How important is it?  And where do we find the kind of leaders we need?

On a recent Sunday evening, Pamela and I watched a report by Nora O’Donnell (CBS news, 60 Minutes) on the state of our United States Navy to face the challenges coming from Pacific arena.  It was a fascinating 27 minutes.  She interviewed Admiral Samuel J. Paparo, commander of the US Naval Fleet in the Pacific.
Leadership is his duty.  Readiness, combined with capability, to do what the Commander-in-Chief (i.e., our President) calls for when defending our allies (and specifically Taiwan) from China’s intentions to invade and take over that island.

China has become openly aggressive in and around the South China Sea, as well as in international air space and waters.  It has declared its intention to attack and assimilate Taiwan within the next several years.  This threat to Taiwan’s freedom requires leadership and strength on the part of her allies.  On the part of Admiral Paparo.  “We are living in the decade of concern,” he admits. “The Chinese navy has numbers which exceed that the U.S. Navy.”  Strategy and leadership in the years ahead is undeniably critical.

This is true not only for our country when considering international challenges.  This is true for the health and future of our church, the Free Church of Cañon City.  Today, the church remains the hope of the world.  Our church is the hope of Cañon City.  It is a key lampstand of the Lord Jesus.  It must be led well.


Having studied leadership for decades, I understand leadership to be “wise, timely initiative with others, humbly for the glory of God and purposefully for the benefit of people.”  Leaders take initiative.  They seek to become like the Lord Jesus in every way.  In the arena of church ministry and effectiveness, they step forward at the urging and calling of God’s Spirit.

They also understand the mission of the group – the church -- they are leading.  They have thought carefully about how to help the group accomplish that mission.  Positively, they make leadership investments which help people successfully accomplish that mission.  Their leadership must promote the health of the church in key areas.  And, negatively (if you will), leaders take proactive steps to guard against whatever seeks to diminish or destroy God’s purposes through the church, and in people’s lives.

At the Free Church of Cañon City, the key group of leaders is our Elder Board, in partnership with our ministry staff.  They are to be men of spiritual character, coupled with clear-headed thinking about the purpose of the church.  They must also be capable of prayerfully, wisely leading in such a way that our mission (“helping people become like Jesus through the community of the church for the glory of God”) is accomplished through Gathered Worship, Communities, Core Groups, and Serving.

In short, elders are (to be) humble yet initiative-taking leaders.  They are examples.  They are watchmen.


In the next few weeks, our Elder Board, through Nominating Committee, will be seeking God’s wisdom, through God’s people, in identifying new elders to serve on the Board in the next term (2023-2025).  Those nominated will be invited to an orientation regarding Elder leadership.  If you are a member of this wonderful Free Church of Cañon City, please do the following.

First, pray for the Holy Spirit to identify and call godly men to this important role of ministry.  Paul said to the elders at the Ephesian church, “Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock (note: the order there!) in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God” (Acts 20:28).

Second, consider nominating individuals you regard as truly qualified to serve in this role.  Read 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 for a refresher of the character of elders.  The present Elder Board and its Nominating Committee welcome your prayerful suggestions.  We will be looking for 2-3 new elders to be affirmed by the membership at our June 25, 2023 annual meeting.

Our church is a wonderful treasure, a gift from the Lord Jesus to this community.  We have had good men serving as elders whose terms are expiring (i.e., Don Burr, Dyle Knifong).  May the members of this body spend time praying, considering, and affirming those whom the Spirit would call to this ministry.

It is important!
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