Taking Time to (Really) Listen... to the Lord
Encouragement for Your Heart and Mind from Pastor David Staff
When’s the last time the Lord spoke to you?
What did He say?
If you paused when you read the above questions--paused long enough to reflect and think—I’d be very curious to know what you concluded. “When did I hear the Lord’s voice? And what did He say?”
As this new year begins, it is truly the time for this church body, the disciples of the Free Church of Cañon City, to be listening for the Lord’s voice.
A most beautiful moment in the Bible is recorded in 1 Samuel 3. Eli, Israel’s High Priest, was not in touch with the Lord, nor were his worthless sons. But a youngster had been entrusted to Eli’s care by his godly mother Hannah. 1 Samuel’s author tells us that “the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision” (3:1).
Translation? Eli and his own sons, responsible for communicating God’s word, were not listening.
But God wanted to speak, and he knew a young boy would have receptive ears. And so in the middle of the night, God audibly calls out his name: “Samuel!” Not knowing who was calling, Samuel ran to Eli. “Here I am!” Eli demurred, “I did not call my son. Go lie down.”
But it happened again. Still Eli sent Samuel back to the covers. On attempt number 3, Eli realized the Lord, Yahweh, was calling his young servant. His advice was wise. “If the Lord calls you, say Speak, Lord, for your servant hears” (3:9).
And so the Lord did speak. “Samuel! Samuel!!” When the Lord says your name twice, he truly wants your attention. Samuel was ready, and the Lord filled his ears and heart with important, critical revelation.
I love that story. I’m convinced we often gag God. Our ears are not open. Our minds are not ready. We are taking in too much cultural, social-media noise. Our receptors are over-loaded. If God speaks to you, will you hear?
These are days when we must listen to the Lord. This coming Sunday, we will begin listening to His voice through the letter of Paul to the Philippians.
The following Sunday, we will be listening to what the Spirit has to say to us through our Senior Pastor Candidate, Rev. Brent Lively. Following his visit, we must hear the Lord’s voice about calling Pastor Brent as our Senior Pastor.
May I encourage you to slow down just a bit, shut out the competing noise, and ask the Lord himself to speak to you…and to us together…about what He wants to reveal to us.
“Here we are, Lord. Speak! Your servants are listening.
What did He say?
If you paused when you read the above questions--paused long enough to reflect and think—I’d be very curious to know what you concluded. “When did I hear the Lord’s voice? And what did He say?”
As this new year begins, it is truly the time for this church body, the disciples of the Free Church of Cañon City, to be listening for the Lord’s voice.
A most beautiful moment in the Bible is recorded in 1 Samuel 3. Eli, Israel’s High Priest, was not in touch with the Lord, nor were his worthless sons. But a youngster had been entrusted to Eli’s care by his godly mother Hannah. 1 Samuel’s author tells us that “the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision” (3:1).
Translation? Eli and his own sons, responsible for communicating God’s word, were not listening.
But God wanted to speak, and he knew a young boy would have receptive ears. And so in the middle of the night, God audibly calls out his name: “Samuel!” Not knowing who was calling, Samuel ran to Eli. “Here I am!” Eli demurred, “I did not call my son. Go lie down.”
But it happened again. Still Eli sent Samuel back to the covers. On attempt number 3, Eli realized the Lord, Yahweh, was calling his young servant. His advice was wise. “If the Lord calls you, say Speak, Lord, for your servant hears” (3:9).
And so the Lord did speak. “Samuel! Samuel!!” When the Lord says your name twice, he truly wants your attention. Samuel was ready, and the Lord filled his ears and heart with important, critical revelation.
I love that story. I’m convinced we often gag God. Our ears are not open. Our minds are not ready. We are taking in too much cultural, social-media noise. Our receptors are over-loaded. If God speaks to you, will you hear?
These are days when we must listen to the Lord. This coming Sunday, we will begin listening to His voice through the letter of Paul to the Philippians.
The following Sunday, we will be listening to what the Spirit has to say to us through our Senior Pastor Candidate, Rev. Brent Lively. Following his visit, we must hear the Lord’s voice about calling Pastor Brent as our Senior Pastor.
May I encourage you to slow down just a bit, shut out the competing noise, and ask the Lord himself to speak to you…and to us together…about what He wants to reveal to us.
“Here we are, Lord. Speak! Your servants are listening.